Grassroots Leadership welcomes YAV Elizabeth Welliver to its Austin staff.

Elizabeth joins Grassroots as the fifth Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) to serve with the immigration team since 2012. The Young Adult Volunteer program with the Presbyterian Church (USA) offers the opportunity for young adults to serve for one year alongside local partners while practicing simple living, vocational discernment, intentional Christian community, cross-cultural mission, and leadership development. Read more here.

On Sunday, August 27, 2017, we commissioned Elizabeth Welliver and Emma Warman, who dedicate a year of their lives to learn what God is doing through them and in them. We hope to follow their journey through their online blogs. 

To follow Emma and Elizabeth as they lives their YAV experience, visit their blogs:

Emma Warman (Philippines)

Elizabeth Welliver (Austin, TX)

To learn more about the YAV program, visit:
