TED Talks and Food Trucks This July

Community, Class, Race, Gender, Climate Change, Faith & Politics……. Where is our common ground? Our nation, our community, often feels divided on so many issues that it is hard to identify all that we have and share in common. It is easier to vilify than to discuss, to divide than unite, to create a “them” rather than an “us.”

TED Talks and Food Trucks will sell tasty local food as we discover the common ground we share on a variety of big topics. We’ll eat good food prepared by local food trucks, get to know one another, watch short and interesting TED Talk videos and then discuss our similarities and differences as we figure how to be community together. 

In July, each week a different topic will be discussed. They will be Community (July 9), Climate Change (July 16), and Class (July 23). You don’t need to be an expert on any of these topics; simply willing to speak, to listen, and to discover the common ground we share. All in the community are invited to join us at 6 pm on these Sundays.

Let us know if you are coming at tedtalksandfoodtrucks.eventbrite.com.
