Final Labyrinth Work Day October 15


Thank you to EVERYONE who has shown up on our work days!

Here is what has been accomplished to date:

  • Labyrinth laid out
  • Bricks placed along the layout lines
  • Trenches “cut-in” & dug out
  • Bricks “planted” in trenches
  • Many bricks “sealed in” by backfilling dirt on each side of each brick and compressing the soil to make a tight fit around each brick

The project is now in last stage of construction. That is to “seal in” the remaining bricks. That final volunteer work effort is scheduled for next Saturday, October 15th  between 9 A.M. and noon. A big turnout of volunteers will help to push this project “over the top”. Please consider being a part of this final phase. Let Connie know if you can participate or just show up during the scheduled time and Connie & Tami will show you what to do in this phase.
