Deacons — March 2011


We welcome the new class of Deacons and have already put them to work: Angelyn
Forbes-Freeze, Matt Hagar, Julia Kelly, Dorrit Nelson, Mallory Eliasson, and Walter Oud-
heusden. And although some Deacons will be leaving us–Todd Child, Gloria Coccordrilli,
Louise Fang, Kristin Hodgkinson, Carter Humphrey, and Fran Schiel–we know that “once a
Deacon, always a Deacon” and hence we know that we will see them pitching in to serve
those of the First Presbyterian Church and the community in general.
We also welcome Jill Pagliettini as our new Moderator, taking over from Katharine

On January 30th several of the Deacons were interviewed by those of the Communi-
cants‟ Class. Some of the questions were: How did you join the church? Why did you join
First Presbyterian of Yorktown? What does a Deacon do? How does your Deacon work sup-
port the purpose of the church? We look forward to some of those Communicants in the fu-
ture becoming Deacon Youth members. They are a great group. They will be helping out at
the Food Pantry on February 26th.

Card Ministry has been taken over by Terri Froehlich from Fran Schiel; cards have
been sent out for Food Pantry Gifts and for a death in one of our member‟s family.
Homebound Ministry has some new helpers with the new Deacons now on
board. Matt Hagar and Angleyn Forbes-Freeze helped get acquainted with the Deacons work
by delivering Sunday Service flowers to and visiting with a number of those homebound or at
facilities. In all eight flower arrangements were distributed; seven Valentines made by the
6th, 7th, 8th graders were distributed during visits. Terri Froehlich and Sue Nelson assisted
Chip in serving Communion to four members. In all sixteen visits were made and five tele-
phone calls were made to check up on the status of those homebound. Thanks goes out to all
the Deacons who helped to keep the homebound and those in facilities feel connected to our
church and to let them know that they are in our prayers.

Katharine Frase has now fully taken over the Food Pantry Ministry from Todd
Child. Two very successful Pantries were held on February 12th and 26th with many volun-
teers showing up to help. Thanks to all. What an opportunity to help those who need help in
the community!

WATCH FOR the Deacons annual REQUEST FOR NAMES of those in the church
family who would like to VOLUNTEER to help with the TRANSPORTATION, LOAVES
AND FISHES, AND BEREAVEMENT MINISTRIES. In the previous three months these
ministries were extra busy and your help is always welcomed and guess what, you will also
find that your help is always very rewarding!

Blessings to All from the Deacons

Deacon Chuck Radke
