Operations — March 2011

Operations Commission

  1. All work has been completed in Room 16. A very big Thank You to Jose for doing all of the painting. Also, thanks  to Todd, Katherine Frase, Liam, Dick Hunter, Bud Coccodrilli, Mable, Jose, & Walter for helping with the big move of Food Pantry and other supplies to accommodate the refurbishment.
  2. We recently replaced a “low water” sensor on the Sanctuary furnace due to a malfunction of the sensor itself.
  3. Jose has been fighting some of the ice dams on the roofs of our buildings so that we don’t get water backing up and coming inside. A couple of leaks have been reported to me while on vacation but, overall, I think we have fared well given the heavy snow and freezing weather.
  4. Fran Proceller has been working diligently on the insertion of panels of glass in the three doors that are blind to people entering or leaving the rooms. These inserts will be similar to the one in the Library/Lounge door. The  rooms we are working on are #s 15, 16 & 17.
  5. Sand buckets have been placed at several of the walkways to help with icy conditions. Also, there is a container  of ice-melt in the Narthex to also help with slippery conditions. Additional ice-melt and a spreader is located in the furnace room near the office should a heavier dose be needed to melt ice.
  6. We are planning a Spring Clean-up for April 16 with a rain date of April 30. Everyone is invited to work with us to  clear up the debris from the Winter months and spruce up our facilities. Please join us at 8 A.M. on Saturday, April 16 for a fun time and accomplishment in getting ready for Spring.

Please let me know of any issues that need to be addressed.

Thanks! Dick Seymour for Operations Commission.
