In the Library – June 2016


Best-selling writer and public speaker Eric Metaxas’ book Miracles; what they are, why they happen, and how they can change your life (213 M) explores several aspects of the topic. He first asks the basic question of what constitutes a miracle and how it relates to scientific exploration. He then describes miracle stories, noting that he chose only those accounts from people he knew and trusted. They include personal stories of angelic visitations, visions that changed people’s lives, and healing and medical miracles.

Another Metaxas title is on an entirely different subject. Seven Women; and the secret of their greatness (270 M) contains mini-biographies of 7 important Christian women. We are familiar with the legacy of Mother Theresa. But what does she have in common with Rosa Parks, Susanna Wesley, Hannah More, Saint Maria of Paris, Corrie Ten Boom and Joan of Arc? These women span different generations and cultures, yet they are all women who did something beautiful for God. They lived their lives in surrender and in turn were agents of change in their generations.

Check out the New Books shelf in the Church Library for these titles and other ideas for your summer reading!

-Carol Jensen, Church Librarian
