YAV Shaina in Peru: Welcomed with Open Arms

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…is it possible to simply love one another because we are all the same, because we all do wrong and because every person on this earth needs to belong somewhere? Who are we to deny human compassion to any person? Normally people don’t think about trying to be more like the people living in a third world country, but I believe we should. I believe there is a truth in their hearts that cannot be seen without taking a moment to truly try and see it.

Read Shaina’s latest blog post from Peru, where she tells us of the generosity of spirit of those she is living and working with.

You can follow each of our Young Adult Volunteers at the following links:

Alexander Sprague (Chinook, MT) https://alexspragueyav.wordpress.com/
Emily Stevens (Asheville, NC) https://emilystevensyav.wordpress.com/