We Celebrate the Long Time Members of Our Faith Community

On Sunday, November 1st, our church celebrated the faithful service of those who have been a part of our church for over 40 years. They have been elders, deacons, church school teachers, commission members, generous givers, friends and faithful people for the body of Christ called First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown. Thank you again for your faithful service to our shared ministry.

According to the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA), “Membership in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy and a privilege. It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s mission. A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and grace and promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of Christ’s Church” (G­1.0304). Thank you to our long­time members and all members for the joy of our life together, sharing in the privilege of being the church of Jesus Christ and the faithful commitment to participate in Christ’s mission through the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown.

Robin Corpolongo 40
Tricia Dineen 40
Henry (Skip) Mahncke 40
Karen Mahncke 40
Ruth Deemer 41
Judith Peterson 41
Linda Petrovsky 43
Barbara Hunter 45
Richard (Dick) Hunter 45
Jean Mulcahy 45
Charles (Chuck) Radke 45
Norean Radke 45
Denise Pinatello 46
Barbara (Barbie) Pratt 46
Lynda Spring 46
Kenneth (Ken) Sherman 47
Marianna Sherman 47
Janice (Jan) Gunther 49
Ray Gunther 49
Aloha Hicks 49
Edward Hicks 49
Deanna Collins 50
Jean Post­-Winget 50
Bessie Mackey 56
Frances (Fran) Schiel 57
Dorothy (Dottie) Slechta 60
Joan Strang 65
Barbara Wilkens 71

Over 40 Years of Participation:
Peg Bertsch
John Collins
Jeanette Corbi
Claire Damon
Kay Lieberman
Florence Malcolmson
Lois Ostling

