In November: Our Faithful Response to Racism

Peace and Justice POST 2

Many of us have wondered how to respond to the increasing number of news reports of violence against black men and women. The shooting in the church in Charleston was particularly shocking. And so we’ve been asking, what is a faithful response today to the racism that we see in our own country at this time?

During the month of November the 9:30 am Sunday Adult Forum will focus on how we approach difference, especially as this relates to racial difference. We’ll begin on the first Sunday in November by looking at the church in Corinth, and some of Paul’s letters to that church. On Peace and Justice Sunday on November 8, Reverend Kym McNair will be our guest preacher. She is the Social Justice Minister at Antioch Baptist Church and Minister of Community Education and Engagement at Bedford Presbyterian Church. She’ll be with us for both services, as well as the adult education hour between the services and for a “Sermon for Lunch.” During the adult education hour Reverend McNair will lead us in an exercise to illuminate how the decade in which we grew up impacts on our view of the world. On Sunday November 15, Shawn Cribari will lead a discussion of the Bible and racism, and on Sunday November 22 Connie Knapp will lead a discussion of “racism, 101.” We hope you will join us as we explore these issues.
