Our GreenFaith Mission Statement

  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.”
Psalm 24:1

All of creation is a gift and a blessing from God, and God created and calls humankind to till and to keep the earth, to serve and preserve the abundance of life as God created it. As stewards of God’s creation, we strive to live justly in relation to our fellow human beings and the environment in ways that honor and sustain God’s work on Earth.

Our mission is to lead the transformation of the congregation into an intentional community which joyfully worships our Creator, continually educates ourselves and our surrounding community about our place and purpose in the world, and actively works through our ministry and mission to restore the goodness of God’s creation. We challenge the leaders and members of our congregation to consider the environmental impact of our choices and decisions in our actions, programs and policies, and to integrate care for creation into everything we do as a church.


As you have probably heard, our church has been accepted into the GreenFaith Certification program. Your GreenFaith team has been hard WordCloudGreenFaithat work over the last few months, creating our mission statement above, and conducting audits of our practices in the area of Stewardship (water and energy usage, grounds maintenance practices, waste management, and the food we serve), Justice (our activities and connections to thought leaders in the area of ecological justice), and Spirit (our attention to ecological themes in our worship services). These audits will help us set our priorities for the coming two years of the certification program. You can always see our activity through the GreenFaith blogposts, accessible by clicking on “GreenFaith” wherever you see the “tag cloud.”
