Youth News – June 2015


News & Notes

Due to overwhelming busyness on the part of our youth group members and volunteers, we put the brakes on our programming for June, and instead, ended the year with a fabulous bowling party on May 31st at Cortlandt Lanes.

The Design Team has begun an extensive process of assessing this year, the second of our new Youth Ministry initiative. So far, we are all reflecting on how challenging it is to bring a new model into the church culture! As we proceed, all aspects of the youth programs will be assessed including: the frequency, format, and content of our youth group meetings for both the Middle and High School groups; our effectiveness in carrying out the goals and vision we described in 2013; how volunteers are recruited, trained and supported; how the youth ministry dovetails with the larger congregation. We are deeply appreciative of everyone who has journeyed with us this year. We look forward to continuing next year, but maybe not in quite the same ways… We welcome your comments/feedback as we enter into an intentional time of assessment and planning for next year. We also welcome your prayers.

For more information, photos and videos to see what we’ve done this year, upcoming mission trips and what’s coming up in the fall, go to:
