Celebrating 15 Years with Simona!


During both worship services on June 7th, the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will honor Simona Frenkel who has been our Director of Music since 2000. Over the last 15 years, Simona has developed and nurtured a dynamic musical program to enhance the worship life of our church, adding a youth hand bell choir, and introducing instrumentalists and professional musicians to Sunday worship and special services. She is welcoming to all members of our church with an interest in music, and is always encouraging newcomers to join the choir! Simona is also the Musical Director of the FPC Concert Series, which recently completed its fourteenth season, offering 66 concerts to the church and surrounding community. Did you know she began her solo career at the age of eight with a solo debut at the Hall of Columns of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine? And in 1994 was celebrated as the youngest organist to receive Honored Artist of the Ukraine, one of the most prestigious musical awards in Ukraine? A reception in her honor will be held following the 10:45 worship service in Fellowship Hall.
