Introducing Planned Giving

plant seedlingPlanned Giving is the commitment of a gift over time, usually through a will or bequest, and those gifts are managed over time, generally in an endowment fund. While this method of giving is very common today among colleges and universities, it has only recently been introduced to churches. Based on the recommendations of the PC(USA) and our presbytery, our Session has approved the establishment of an endowment fund for FPCY to promote Planned Giving. A committee has been formed within the Stewardship Commission to develop and recommend to the Session an approach to Planned Giving for FPCY. It is essential to stress that this approach to giving is not a substitute for the Annual Giving, which supports the day-to-day operations of the church and its mission. Planned Giving supplements Annual Giving by providing greater financial stability for the church over the long term.

Over the next few months, we will be communicating to our congregation through announcements, printed information, and on our church’s website about how to make a Planned Gift. We will also be reaching out to members of our congregation directly. This is a very long-term endeavor, and we approach it with the conviction that all the gifts we enjoy are a trust from God, to be used in service for the benefit of all people, in grateful acknowledgement of Christ’s redeeming love.

For any questions about Planned Giving, please contact any member of the Planned Giving Committee: Tim Lupfer, Cathy Talbot, Frank Hodgkinson, Carol Thorne Gaetani, Jack Shaughnessy, and Emily Monk. Thank you.

