Sign Up Now for the Middle School Youth Conference

Youth Ministry

Sign Up Now for the Middle School Youth Conference at Massanetta Springs

Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference is a transformational program that welcomes hundreds of middlers and their leaders from all over the country each summer. Participants attend keynotes, recreation, workshops, and worship designed by the Advocates (high school leaders) with them in mind. Encounter Groups provide an opportunity to reflect and learn alongside youth from other places, led by Advocates.

Date(s): July 10-13

Cost: (Estimated) $400 per Participant (Includes Lodging & Meals)

Intended Program Age: For students who will be rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.


Ideal for church groups w/ Middle School Students! (It is ideal for churches to send an adult if they have a participating youth.) We will need at least one adult chaperone to attend also, so please let us know if you’d like to go.

For more info

TO REGISTER — 2 Steps (You must complete BOTH!)

FIRST,  register through FPCY and please pay a $100 deposit/youth. (Adults do not need to pay deposit.)

SECOND, you must register for the conference directly through the Massanetta Springs website. Here are instructions:

Click on the Middle School Conference page at Massanetta Springs.

Click on “Registration” and then “Participant Link” which will take you to their online registration portal, where you can create a personal account and proceed to register for the Middle School Conference.

Remember to select the July 10-13 date. The group code for the Presbytery is HRPMSC25.

NO payment is due when people register on this site.

ALL participants will need to register, including adults.



