Focus on Forming Faith

Testimony - POST

As Chip wrote about in his article, faith formation is one of the primary purposes of the church and its members. Each month, we would like to highlight various people in our church family who are living this out in their daily lives and their families – through worship and prayer, Bible study, mission projects, and ministries of care, compassion, and justice.

This month we hear from Jane MacDonald, the busy parent (along with her husband Mike) of 3 active daughters, about why and how they make Sunday morning worship and Sunday School a priority in their family. If you know of someone who lives their faith in such a way that it forms the faith of those around them, please let me know, so we can ask them to share their experiences with us.

Forming faith together,


Summer is a wonderful time of the year when our family of five is able to take vacation and get a much needed break from school, sports, and extra-curricular activities. With school just around the corner, I always begin to stress about how we can fit everything into the schedule. This year will be no different as all three of our girls are heavily involved in multiple competitive travel sport teams and they have many games or meets scheduled on Sunday.

Our family tries to attend church service and Sunday school every week. While we definitely do not get the perfect attendance award for church service or Sunday school, we would consider ourselves regulars and our daughters know that church is a priority.

As schedules have become more demanding, we could have easily made the decision to drop church service as it would definitely make Sunday morning less chaotic given that we usually rush out of service or church school and head directly to a field or swimming pool for a long day of sports. We have prioritized church and listening to the word of God. Given all the activities that our daughters are involved in, it was important to us that our family carve out at least 1 hour per week to focus on God. We enjoy the ritual of going to church service, singing the hymns, taking communion, and listening to the stories that allows our family to gather perspective on life and our relationship to God.

~Jane MacDonald
