Faith and Sexuality and Youth– A Day With Kate Ott

Kate Ott - POST

As parents, we want our children to have a healthy view of themselves and their bodies, and to make good choices about relationships which reflect our Christian values. Yet, talking about sex and sexuality can be scary and intimidating! We may feel awkward, unprepared, even embarrassed to have “the talk” with our children and teens about how their bodies are changing and the new and strange feelings they will have as they grow. Trying to instill a healthy image and understanding of relationships is made all the more difficult when so many outside voices compete to tell our children who they are and what gives them worth. 

Yet, God has given us the privilege and responsibility of raising our children, and we are the most important influence in their young lives. How can we help our children hear that they are loved by God, that God has created them and their bodies good, and that God’s desire is for them to know love in healthy relationships? What resources do we need as parents to be faithful role models for our children?

On Sunday, February  28, our church will be hosting Dr. Kate Ott for a day-long conversation about faith and sexuality. Dr. Ott is the Assistant Professor of Christian Social Ethics at Drew University’s Theological School, a sex educator and author of Sex + Faith: Talking with Your Child from Birth to Adolescence, which is in our church library. Dr. Ott brings a wholistic, faith-based  perspective that will empower us all to be a healthy influence in the lives of our children. We heard her speak last year, and as parents and pastors, we believe she can aid us all in having good, healthy and faithful conversations with our children about sex and sexuality.

Two videos Dr. Ott prepared for us:


Here’s the schedule for the day:

  • 8:30 & 10:45 Dr. Ott preaches during the worship services
  • 9:30-10:30am Adult Education Discussion on Faith & Sexuality

Topic: Why it is important for the church as a whole to communicate a healthy theology of sexuality for all ages in today’s culture.

  • 12:15-2:00pm Adult & Parent Workshop

Topic: Talking about sexuality and faith values.  This workshop is based on skill-building for parents of children of all ages and other adults who work with youth.

  • 4:00-6:00 pm Middle School Workshop (Focus on Healthy Relationships)
  • 6:30-8:30 pm High School Workshop (Focus on Defining their Values and a Sexual Ethic)

Please join us February 28 for this important day, and please make sure that your middle school and high school youth attend the youth group meetings in the afternoon which have been specifically designed for them. If you have any questions about the day, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Growing together in Christ,

Chip & Tami
