Church School News

Shine: The Shine Class has journeyed through stories about Jesus’s ministry and the path that leads to the great mystery of Easter. For the remainder of this spring, we will be exploring stories about the early church or communities of The Way, from the book of Acts.

Connect: The Connect class has been studying the New Testament this year, from the early life of Jesus, his ministry, and his sacrifice as our Savior. We are wrapping up 30 lessons in this programatic year with the final unit in learning about how we, as a church, as his followers carry and share his message of love and hope.

Faith X: FaithX is currently learning about how the different Christian branches came to be and how the leaders of those days decided how Baptism and Communion should be handled in their respective denominations. Our lessons will bring us to Protestantism in America during the time of the Puritans and through today.

Fathom: In Fathom we have recently finished the video series “A New Family,” with Rachel Held Evans, which explored the church welcoming people of all diversities. We also sat in with the adult ed class so students could get a feel for how the adult class runs. We will hopefully do another sit-in with them in the future. Coming up we will be discussing the geography of the Bible.

The Sunday School coordinators, Miranda and Pam, can be found in Fellowship Hall every week while Sunday School is in progress. If you’re interested in helping at Sunday School, have questions, or just want to say hi, please stop by. We look forward to seeing you!

An Invitation From The Faith Formation Commission

Our Sunday School is a joyful community of learners and seekers, some older and some younger! The teachers work together in teams, supporting each other and also allowing for greater time flexibility. If you are finding yourself looking for a meaningful and joyful way to grow in your own faith and a place to be able to make intergenerational connections, we invite you to consider exploring an opportunity to join one of our teaching teams. Faith Formation will soon begin looking at our Sunday School staff needs for the coming year. If you would like to know more about it, please speak to Jean Post-Winget, Andy Cross, Miranda McGill, or Pam Angione. Thank you! ~Jean Post-Winget, co-chair of Faith Formation


