Why I Knit

In December, many smiling children crowded around the Mitten Tree and chose their favorite mittens, hats, and scarves. This joyous event inspired Christine Lazarus and daughter Chloe to start knitting scarves for our December giving.

A phone call from Terri Giorgio at the Dominican Sisters Family Nursing Center described how pleased the Visiting Nurses were to have beautiful knitted sweaters and blankets to give to the families they serve. In a phone message, Richard Scheibe, Recreation Director at the Field Home, said that the residents were thrilled to receive their very own special blankets.

Two weeks ago I found a beautiful ball of sparkly white yarn tacked to the Knit Togethers bulletin board in the Lounge with a note saying, “Please make me into something beautiful.” At other times bags of yarn are put into our closet. We have developed much-needed “secret partners”. What fun!

So we keep on knitting.

~by Norean Radke, co-leader of The Knit Togethers

The Knit Togethers Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 10am and is open to anyone who likes to knit. Please join us!

