SPARK: Ignite Faith

spark curriculumAs we wind down the 2013-2014 Church School year, exciting things continue to happen. Next fall, our Church School is going to introduce a new curriculum for preschool through grade 4 called Spark: Ignite Faith. We are also going to create a new 5-6th grade class with its own curriculum called Connect tailored to preteens. Our Youth class will expand to include all teens 7th grade and up and will also have a new curriculum Reform. (Check them all out at

We are inviting all current Center Leaders, Shepherds, parents, as well as ANYONE who may be interested in co-teaching, subbing or becoming a shepherd to come and learn more about the new curriculum on Monday, May 12th at 7:30. Childcare will be available so please RSVP to Jen or Jocelyn if you plan on coming and need childcare. Remember you do not need to have a child in the Sunday school to help out. We are looking forward to exciting changes in the future and can’t wait to share it with everyone!!

For the final lesson of the year the children will be exploring who can be a Christian through the ministry of Paul. Paul did not want the people in the church to exclude others from the faith because of ethnicity. At home you can talk about times you or your child has noticed the Church or Christians excluding people due to physical, mental or ethnic characteristics. Also how can we go about making people feel more welcome in our church? The memory verse is “For in the one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and we were made to drink of one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13.

A reminder that all parents are invited to join us Sunday May 11th as we celebrate both mothers and fathers.

Children’s Sunday is coming up on June 8th. Please come a little earlier each week so we can practice and get our gathering time routine done.

Don’t forget to bring your One Great Hour of Sharing Fish Banks to church on May 3! Thanks!

Jocelyn Fontana & Jen Dixon, Superintendents

