Church School News November 2018

Hello Sunday School families! Well, we blinked our eyes and it’s been more than three months since the school year began. Our theme is “We Are All God’s a Part of Family.”

The Pre-K through 4th graders spent September learning about Abraham and Sarah, and just what it means to trust in God against all odds. We spent October focusing on the story of the Widow’s Offering, and explored what true generosity and sacrifice look like. During Gathering Time, we’ve learned some new songs, including “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart.” As usual, the children are enthusiastic to share their joys and concerns, and they love to volunteer to help collect the Sunday School weekly offering!

If you haven’t yet, please activate your new member account! We would love to be able to keep in touch with our Sunday School families via the Realm communications tools. The laptop sign-in through Realm has made it much easier for us to track emergency contact numbers, allergies, statistics, and other important data — a huge THANK-YOU to all of you for being so cheerful and patient while we figured out the process!

SAVE THE DATE: On Sunday, November 25 (right after Thanksgiving), please join us for Christmas Tree Decorating, during the normal Sunday School hour. We will be painting wooden ornaments this year. Feel free to bring a friend!

Peace, Abby & Andy Cross, and Bridget Bentley
