Church School News – December 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season to all! Here is a little bit about what’s happening in Church School.

We had a Special Event in Fellowship Hall — Our church school children did a fabulous job decorating our Christmas Tree! They made Cardinal birds, peaceful doves and fun cute owls (all birds from God’s Creation), along with wreaths, Joy for the World ornaments and paper prayer chains. The children made seasonal cards to give to family and friends at the card making station. They baked sugar cookies in the kitchen and decorated them with frosting and sprinkles. Yum! The children also sang festive Christmas Carols with joyful voices to the wonderful guitar accompaniment of John Winget.

In our Re:form class (7th Grade and up) our youth continue with imaginative biblical experiences, discussion and honest answers to faith questions.

In our Connect class (5th/6th Grades) they have reviewed annunciation, nativity, consecration, Herod, and Authority. They are also studying baptism (Mark 1:9-11). Jesus is introduced as the “Son of God” and his ministry begins.

In the Spark classroom (Pre-K through 4th Grade) we have completed the “Fruit of the Spirit” unit. Some of the children have all nine Fruits of the Spirit memorized! How cool is that?! They have learned two songs, “Into my Heart” and “He has made me glad.”

We have begun our “Jesus is Born” unit.

Conversation “sparks” include:

What do you think angels look like?

How has Jesus been a gift in your life?

The Angels told the shepherds of Jesus’ birth. Who can you tell about Jesus?

Get out your nativity set and retell the story of Jesus’ birth using the characters.

Family activity:

Start a family Christmas tradition, sing carols or read Christmas stories together in your pajamas

The children are learning Christmas Carols during gathering time in preparation for our upcoming Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve. We are in the midst of pageant rehearsals. If your child is interested in participating, please let us know. It’s never too late to join in; all children are welcome!

Just a reminder there will be no Church School on December 27th, but please do come to service, we resume Church School in the New Year!

To all our children, families and Church School staff, have a wonderful Christmas season filled with the Fruits of the Spirit – Joy, Peace, Love, Self-control, Gentleness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Patience and Kindness!


Liza Placido and Michele Mosca, Church School Superintendents
