Church School News April 2017

Hard to believe, but Easter is just around the corner!

We look forward to celebrating with you and your children. We are finishing up our Lenten study on “The First Sin” and soon will be starting our Palm Sunday and Easter unit. As many parents know, Easter can be a bit difficult to explain to a sensitive or inquisitive kid. In encouraging parents to observe Lent and Holy Week with their children, Rev. Beth Herrinton-Hodge reminds us that:

We can tell our children that even Jesus experienced death and burial, but death was not the end for Jesus. Neither is death the end for us, for Jesus promises to welcome us to a life beyond any wonderful thing we can know. This is our hope forever and ever.

The brightness and joy of Easter morning stand as an antidote to the solemn passion of Holy Week. The reality of life is that sadness, pain, and disappointment exist. All children, as well as adults, have experienced these emotions on some level in their lives. Easter morning and Jesus’ resurrection stand in our faith tradition as ringing affirmations that there is good. God is good. Light shines and darkness cannot overcome it (John 1:5)!

On March 26, our 4th-grade students began the 8-week Bible Skills seminar led by Barbara Humphrey. We are blessed by Barbara’s ministry with our children (and also Heidi Haring, who has graciously agreed to assist with this year’s class).

As the fourth-graders move out of the Spark rotation, we will welcome our preschoolers into the rotation! We have had an amazing group of preschoolers this year (one of our largest classes each week!). We’d like to thank Alison Cordone, Joanne Campoli, Debbie Flynn and Judi Baddeley for everything they have done to make the preschool class so special.


Michele Mosca and Jessica Mayes, Co-Superintendents
