Church School – January & February 2014

Happy New Year to our Church Family!  What a wonderful season the Church School had.  It started with the annual tree trimming.  The kids did a beautiful job decorating with their photos, craft ornaments and flag chain.  This was a true depiction of the identity of the Sunday school children.  A big Thank you to all who stayed and helped make the day go smoothly!  The rest of the Christmas season was spent learning about Christmas around the world.  Did anyone bake any of those yummy cookie recipes they got from cooking?

In our next unit we will learn about Zacchaeus, a short statured mam who was lost.  With Jesus’ help he finds a relationship with God.  “Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham.  For the son of man came to seek out and save the lost.” ~ Luke 19:10

After Zacchaeus, we will explore the events of Holy Week, the crucifixion and resurrection and most importantly Mary Magdalene.  She is part of a group of women Jesus  cured of disease and the first witness to the resurrection. She is the one who tells the disciples that Jesus is alive. “But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He has been raised; he is not here.’” ~ Mark 16:6

We had such great success with the recyclables that we are going to continue this project until further notice.  For those of you who wish to continue, thank you and we encourage you to continue to bring in your recyclables.  During the 10 week period we had originally slotted this for we collected $215.00.  In addition we received a donation that matched this amount so our total to date is over $400.00!!  Thank you all so much you’re your dedication & support.

Jocelyn Fontana and Jen Dixon, Church School Superintendents

