Church School Chalkboard May 2018

Here at Sunday School, we are preparing for Children’s Sunday, and marveling at how quickly the year has passed by. Our final rotation for the year, “Love Is,” makes for a positive send-off into the summer months.

A few upcoming dates to note:

  • May 27 is Movie Sunday for any children in town during Memorial Day Weekend!
  • June 3 is our rehearsal for Children’s Sunday, so please try to bring your children that day if at all possible.
  • June 10 is Children’s Sunday! The children will lead our worship and share with us what they have learned this year.

Interested in lending your talents to Sunday School next year? If you aren’t already involved and might be interested in teaching, shepherding, helping with snack, or even “co-superintendenting,” please let us know at, or come find one of us. We will fill you in on the details! As always, a huge thanks to all parents and teachers for your support and participation in Church School this year! The FPCY kids are a true joy to work with.

Peace, Jessica Mayes, and Abby and Andrew Cross, co-superintendents
