Who Taught You?

discernment paths

Train children in the way they should go;
when they grow old, they won’t depart from it.
~Proverbs 22:6

Last month as I was preparing to lead one of the adult studies on the glittering vices, I was reminded yet again of what a big influence my Sunday School teachers had on my faith and life. The two men who taught my junior high Sunday School class were both fathers of younger children; one was a businessman, the other a social worker. At our first class, I remember them saying that they both liked hanging out with teenagers and that the teen years were a really important time for figuring out who we were and what life was all about. They wanted to help us on this journey and to share their time, their support and their faith with us. These two men created a safe space in which my friends and I could think and talk about not just Bible stories and faith, but all those awkward issues and touchy subjects (like relationships, peer pressure, and tough choices). They imparted some life lessons that I still carry with me today.

Then I started to think about some of my other Sunday School teachers and I was surprised to realize what a diverse group they were. There were a few young moms and dads in the group, but most of my faith teachers were older women and men who either didn’t have children or whose children were grown and no longer in Sunday School. I’m so grateful to them for continuing to give of themselves to nurture my faith and the faith of future generations.

When you think about children and youth of our church, which age group comes to mind? The preschoolers? Elementary? Middle school? High school? Which group makes you smile or which one could you see yourself working with?

Our Christian Education program has been blessed by many wonderful teachers, and we’re hoping that many will want to continue to serve in this way. We also need some new folks to join us in this important ministry, as center leaders, shepherds and team teachers. We hope you will think about how God is calling you to nurture the faith of our children and youth. All are invited to come to our new curriculum information night on Monday, May 12 at 7:30 pm to learn more about how you can get involved. You can also contact our Church School leaders (Suzy Rishel, Jocelyn Fontana, and Jen Dixon) if you are unable to attend but would like to help.

Come, help us keep the promise we make every time we baptize a child or adult – to nurture them in faith and to help them know and follow Jesus. The future of their faith depends on us.

Point your kids in the right direction –
when they’re old they won’t be lost.
~Proverbs 22:6 (The Message)

