The Pulse of Generosity — Pastors’ Message October 2022

Speaking the truth in love, let us grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.

I don’t know what it is about fall – the brisker air, the changing colors, the brilliant blue skies and harvest moon, the shortening days, the smell of spices and the crunch of leaves underfoot – but life feels brighter, more immediate, more vibrant, more alive. The pace of life also speeds up as we move back into the rhythms of school and work, extracurricular and volunteer activities. This has certainly been true here at church with the program year gearing up into full swing with 2 worship services on Sundays, faith formation for all ages, mission and service opportunities throughout the week. If we were to take the pulse of our church lately, it would definitely be thumping right along!

As restrictions have lifted and we continue to emerge from the pandemic, we have been checking our vital signs as a church. Just like illness can seriously disrupt our personal health and strength, there is no doubt that the pandemic has seriously disrupted our church’s health and vitality. So this fall, we are reaching out and reconnecting with our church community (similar to the way we did at the beginning of the pandemic) to better understand who we are and to strengthen the tendons and ligaments that hold us together.

This fall, we are also focusing on the pulse of generosity because generosity is what has inspired, built, and sustained this church for almost 3 centuries. The good news of God’s generous love and grace gave birth to our church all that way back in 1730, and that same good news has fueled our ministry and mission ever since. The generosity of generations of church folk have built and maintained our buildings, staffed our ministry, sung and prayed our worship to God, and reached out in service to the wider community and world.

What has kept the pulse of generosity at FPCY beating strong? Gratitude…Community…Sacrifice…Abundance. All of these have energized the generosity that has kept this church alive and kicking and brimming with God’s abundant life.

  • What motivates your generosity?
  • How have you experienced God’s love and abundant blessings, even in the midst of the last 3 years?
  • How have the gifts of our community and the sacrifices made by others before us made a difference in your life?

We invite you to reflect on these questions as you consider how you can be a vital part of our church community.

In the next few weeks, you will receive an invitation from our Stewardship Commission to complete a Giving Covenant as a pledge of your generosity in the coming year. Please prayerfully consider how you can Pray, Engage, and Give to the ministry and mission of our chur ch. Your generosity is what keeps the heart of FPC Y beating steady and strong.

