What’s New with Operations? June 12, 2011

  1. The annual maintenance on the North Parking Lots & Driveway has been completed and new lines have been put down to show regular & handicapped parking spots.
  2. Our carpeting project has been completed in the Sanctuary. New “cut-pile” carpet has been installed on the Chancel and in the Narthex. This carpet provides an accent to the carpet in the Sanctuary and has helped to “dress-up” overall appearance of the floors. Also, we have repaired the many seams which had pulled apart in the Sanctuary. This project was long in research & anticipation, but now has been completed.
  3. Clemco Construction & Restoration is nearly done with the huge task of restoring the outside of the Sanctuary. Every surface has been sanded/scraped, caulked, nails re-punched, all holes & seams filled in, spot primed and then two coats of final paint applied. Tom Clemmens of Clemco has done an absolutely superb job on this restoration effort.
  4. Jose has finished refurb’ing the two peaks just off the Memorial Garden space. He has also made considerable progress in prep’ing the walls of the Memorial Garden by sanding, scraping, and caulking. Final coats of paint have been applied to the South wall and some of the West wall overhang. Additional progress is anticipated in the next two weeks. Jose is doing an excellent job on this project!
  5. The cabling box next to the Audio Cabinet has been completed. The final cabling raceway cover for the wires which enter the ceiling at the rear of the post in the Sanctuary has been built and will be painted & installed soon. This will complete the audio project which was begun 2 years ago.
  6. Another of our remedial projects concerning the intermediate roof of the Steeple will be completely redone in the next few weeks. This work will correct the major leaking we have experienced inside the Steeple. Upon completion of this last phase of work, the rehabilitation of the Steeple will be complete. T’his project has taken place over the last 3  1/2 years.
  7. Craig Hibben’s work on the redesign and planting of the median strip in the North parking lots has been completed. This area now looks first class. A very big thank you to Craig for these significant efforts.
  8. We are in the process of painting the two main bathrooms just off the Gathering Space. Painting of the Ladies Room has been completed. Next will be the men’s bathroom. We are going to try to rehab the tile floors to once again remove the dark spots and clean the grout. This work will proceed this early part of the Summer.
  9. We have benefited from over 20 hours of work from a Community Service volunteer in the last 6 weeks. We anticipate another 7 hours of service in June. We have been glad to give this individual an opportunity which he very much desired and we have benefited from his voluntary service.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know of any issues that need to be addressed. Thanks! Dick Seymour for Operations Commission.
