Operations – April, 2011

(3/24/11) Many items of routine maintenance have been completed; including: re-nailing the roof flashing on the North end of Fellowship Hall, repair of several leaky toilets, resetting the temperature sensors in the Sanctuary for better comfort, and relocation of rocks which have slid down onto the shoulder of Rt. 132.

Several items of long term maintenance are planned for the upcoming months; including, painting of the outside of the Sanctuary, painting of the outside walls and peaks surrounding our Memorial Garden, repair of several significant stress cracks in the plaster board on the inside front wall of the Sanctuary, and Spring maintenance of the driveway & North Parking Lots.

Two pressure relief valves have been repositioned on our furnaces to bring them into compliance with a State Inspector’s recommendation. Also, a carbon monoxide detector has been added to the furnace room.

A detailed Maintenance Reserve Analysis has been completed which gives us much better insight into the amount of money which should be budgeted each year so that we can handle long term maintenance without special financing campaigns.

A new soft spotlight is being added to the Sanctuary to better illuminate the pulpit & speaker.

As a result of the work described above, there will be evidence of  “work in progress” for the next couple of months. We anticipate no disruptions to our use of the Sanctuary due to the work both inside & outside.

Spring Clean-up is scheduled for April 16th (back-up date April 30th). Please join us at 8:00 A.M. for a great time of camaraderie and improvements in our facilities.

Please let me know of any issues that need to be addressed. Thanks! Dick Seymour for Operations.
