
“As long as there are people on earth, the world will have glimpses of God. He chooses us to move through. He chooses your personality, your spunk, your passion, your strengths, and your weaknesses to work in and through and with.Emily P. Freeman

Our Philosophy: Music is integral to our life here at the church. We believe in a holistic approach to music education, assisting in the overall spiritual and educational development of our musicians. In our program we strive to develop confidence, curiosity, and creativity in the heart and mind of all who create. Using our instruments and voices simply as the vehicle, we cultivate the following skills:

  • self-confidence
  • creative problem-solving
  • leadership
  • initiative
  • collaboration
  • teamwork
  • conflict resolution
  • breathing and working through momentary frustrations
  • prioritization
  • body awareness (posture, weight, positioning)
  • self-awareness
  • compassion toward others
  • respect for ourselves, each other, and the planet

In worship, there are many ensemble opportunities to participate in such as the FPCY Choir, two handbell choirs, and additional chamber music groups from the congregation. For those interested in participating in any facet of our program, please contact our Director, Garrett Artman ( 

Musical groups practice and participate in worship services during the programmatic year (September through June).

FPCY Choir: a non-auditioned choir consisting of 20-30 members. We aid in congregational singing, offer rehearsed musical offerings, and serve as musical leaders for faith formation. We strive to edify the congregation through a wide variety of repertoire, choral techniques, and worship. 

  • Day/Time: Thursday 8:00pm – 9:30pm
  • Frequency: Weekly (during the programmatic year)

Adult Hand Bell Choir: Producing one of the most distinctive and pleasing sounds to the ear,  our hand bells and chimes are a regular part of the music ministry at FPCY. Our lightly-auditioned group of instrumentalists consisting of 10-13 people and 63 Malmark bells (5 octaves, weighing from a few ounces to eight pounds) perform semi regularly and offers a way to serve with our hands and hearts.

  • Day/Time: Thursday 6:45 pm – 7:50pm
  • Frequency: Weekly (during the programmatic year)

Youth Hand Bell Choir “Good Samaritones”: Open to the younger members of the congregation, our Youth Bell Group offers an introductory step into the musical realm of the church and world. Through mentorship with the older members, we coach new musicians how to read, count, and perform music. This allows not only a musical experience, but social engagement, and practice of discipline. Handbells can be considered the near-perfect instrument for the younger musician. They’re always in tune and sound good, even at the beginning of instruction.

  • Day/Time: Sundays  12pm – 1pm
  • Frequency: Weekly (during the programmatic year)

Chamber Groups: Chamber Music can be lightly defined as a smaller ensemble, self-led without a conductor. Offered for anyone interested in performing solo repertoire, duets, trios, etc. Our director offers a chamber music program where he coaches performance techniques to those interested. Striving to offer a quality musical experience at no cost, our chamber program instills “Making music with each other for a lifetime”. 

  • Day/Time: Scheduled with Director
  • Frequency: Weekly