What are You Grateful For? Sunday Adult Ed and More

Join us on Sunday mornings starting September 15 as we ask that question and read Diana Butler Bass’s book Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks. Books are $12 and will available on Sunday mornings and in the office during the week. The sessions will be led by members of the Adult Ed Planning Team.

Thursday mornings, starting September 19, from 10 AM until 11:30 we’ll be exploring food and the bible, reading Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers by Margaret Feinberg. Learn how bread, fish, olives, salt, figs and lamb will help us see the Bible as a meal, a series of courses.

The first Wednesday of each month starting on September 4 the Women’s Circle will meet from 10:30 until noon, following the Presbyterian Women’s curriculum, Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments. The study book will be available at the first meeting.

The Tuesday morning group will read Rachel Held Evans’ book Inspired. They’re starting on 9/17 and will meet Tuesday mornings from 10 to 11:30am.

The Interfaith Council of Yorktown, in partnership with Race Amnity of Northern Westchester and Putnam, will be hosting a series on Race & Faith on three Thursday evenings at 7 PM: September 19th at Temple Bet Am, October 17th at Grace Lutheran Church, and November 7th here. We’ll be viewing and discussing a video series that ran on PBS, “Race – The Power of an Illusion.” Join us for a thoughtful discussion of race and faith.

On Sunday evenings beginning October 6 at 6 PM we’ll be reading and discussing Common Ground: Talking about Gun Violence in America, by Donald V. Gaffney, a pastor and a Sandy Hook alumnus. The book is $12 and will be available in the office prior to the study. These conversations, a project of the Mission Commission, the Education Commission and the Gun Violence Prevention group, will prepare us for Jim Atwood’s visit on Peace & Justice Sunday, November 10th. Atwood is the author of Gundamentalism and Where it is Taking America.

We are looking to start a Disciple I study group. Look for a survey about interest and availability soon, and/or let Tami or Connie know of your interest in joining a study group.

Tim Lupfer will share his experiences in Germany for the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing his ninety-five theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. Join us after the 10:45 service on Reformation Sunday, October 27th, for lunch and a slide show and talk.

~Connie Knapp, for the Adult Ed Planning Team
