Welcome back to Faith4Life!!

Who says only the kids get to go back to school?  The Faith4Life planning team has several learning opportunities in store for the fall.

Sunday Mornings: Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the library or online as we watch a series of videos with Walter Brueggemann, who has been described as “one of the most influential Old Testament scholars of the last several decades.” Here and Now Matters: Moral Action in the Real World. The viewing guide describes the seven-film series this way: It is “a textured teaching about who we are we called to be in the world through the lens of loving God, loving ourselves, and loving our neighbor.”

Sunday Evenings—Join us on Sunday evenings from 7 until 8:30 for a discussion of John Philip Newell’s book, Sacred Earth Sacred Soul. Books will be available in the office or at the class. Contact Tami if you want to join us via zoom.

Tuesday Mornings Starting September 20, our Tuesday morning group will meet at 10 AM weekly to read and discuss White Too Long by Robert P. Jones. We’ll watch videos of the author discussing each of the seven chapters.

Wednesday Evenings Our Centering Prayer group will continue to meet at 7 PM on Wednesdays, in person and online.

Starting September 21, Chip and Tami will lead a weekly Disciple Bible Study Group, Under the Tree of Life at 7:30 PM. The study concentrates on the Old Testament Writings (Psalms and wisdom literature), the Gospel of John, and Revelation. This is a 32-week study that includes a significant amount of reading. Our first gathering will be a discussion on the scope of the study and the commitment required. Interested? Please contact Tami (Tami@fpcyorktown.org) or Connie (connie.knapp@icloud.com) to let us know.

Thursday Mornings Starting Thursday, September 22 our Thursday morning group will meet weekly at 10 AM. We will “catch up” and choose our discussion topic on the 22nd!

Women’s Circle Bible Study The Women’s Circle will meet earlier than that, on Wednesday, September 7 at 10:30 AM in the library and online, following the Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible Study curriculum, Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight. Books will be available in the office for a suggested donation of $10.

Men’s Breakfast The monthly Men’s Breakfast will continue on the third Saturday of the month, beginning on October 15.
