Three different Adult Ed Studies!!

Yes, we have three different adult ed studies going on at the same time. All of our groups are open to all, so please make sure to invite friends who might share your interest in these topics. You don’t have to be a member of our church to want to learn!

  • Thursday morning we’re finishing Waking Up White by Debby Irving. Our group’s discussions have been very rich as we benefit from the diversity of our religious backgrounds (Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and two Bahai women have joined for a few sessions!) and life experiences.
  • Tuesday morning’s discussion group is reading Race in a Post-Obama America: The Church Responds by David Maxwell as a follow up to Waking Up White.
  • Sunday morning we are reading Creed: What Christians Believe and Why by Adam Hamilton. Reading this book is helping us to learn the Apostles Creed so that we’ll know it by “heart” for our Good Friday service. And the discussions and DVD sessions with Adam Hamilton are helping us think about our Christian beliefs.

The first Wednesday of each month the Women’s Circle meets to discuss God’s Promise: I am With You, the Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible study for this year. And the men’s breakfast meets on Saturday, April 20 at 7:30am.
