A few new studies have begun. On Sunday mornings at 9:15am and Thursday mornings at 10:30am, Connie will be leading a discussion of Adam Hamilton’s book The Message of Jesus. Books are available for a suggested donation of $12; as always you are welcome to join us whether you are reading the book or not. Hamilton has a video for each chapter that we will be watching.
Sunday evenings at 7pm Chip and Tami are leading a discussion of The Great Search by John Phillip Newell. Books are available for a suggested donation of $20.
Our two Disciple groups continue, with one meeting on Wednesday at 2pm and a second group meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Connie, Lynn, and Tami are rotating leading these groups.
Abby continues to lead us in Centering Prayer every Wednesday from 7 to 7:30pm. Drop-ins are welcome!
All of these studies take place both in person and online. All meet in the library except for the Disciple classes, which meet in the board room.
All are welcome! These discussion groups are open to everyone, not just church members, so invite a friend to come with you. If you’d like to be added to the email list for zoom or get announcements, or have questions, please email Tami or Connie.