Faith4Life – October 2020

The Faith4Life Planning Team hopes that you are enjoying your weekday “GIFTS.” The posts are currently being written by Lynn Edling, Connie Knapp, Eric Kreuter, Chip Low and Tami Seidel. We’d love to have others join us! Contact Tami or Connie and let us know that you are interested. We can provide a list of topics to choose from, a template for the post, and any other support you might need.

Faith4Life Sunday Classes — Join us on Sunday mornings at 9am as we discuss the week’s GIFTS. Feel free to join us even if you haven’t read them all. You can join by Zoom with video or by telephone without video. The classes will begin at 9 AM and end at 9:45, just before the 10 AM worship service. We’ll be working our way through 100 Things Every Child Should Know before Confirmation: A Guide for Parents and Youth Leaders. We’d like to use the book as a basis for daily devotions-you’ll be hearing more from us about that soon!

Join us on Tuesday mornings at 10 am as we talk about what it means to citizens of God’s kingdom in today’s world. We will be using a video study called Allegiance to Empire: Practices of Kingdom Citizenship created by The Work of the People. This 7-session study will “provide ways in which the Christian community can serve the world and at the same time be faithful to God’s vision of the Peaceable Kingdom. In this curriculum, we will look at the myth of the “Christian” nation and re-narrate what it means to live as residents in a foreign land.” If you are interested in joining us, please contact Tami Seidel at, and we will send you the Zoom info.

Thursday morning’s Faith4Life group meets from 10 until 11:30am. We are beginning a study of women in the Bible, using material developed by Tami. Join us for some or all of our sessions.

The Women’s Circle meets the first Wednesday of the month at 10:30am. Join us for a study of using the Presbyterian Women’s curriculum, Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament. Books are available in the office for $10.


Help us “Bring the Bible to Life” with your artistic imagination.

~Connie Knapp, for the Faith4Life Planning Team
