Faith4Life: Christmas at Home – in the four Gospel Homes

For Advent: I love looking in my neighbors’ windows during the Christmas season. From my kitchen window I can see the Christmas tree of the neighbors who live behind us. When I was a kid my parents would drive around the neighborhood to see the homes decorated with lights for the holiday. Perhaps you, too, enjoy seeing how others decorate for the holidays. Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 AM (EST) on Zoom as we “travel” with Cynthia M. Campbell to the four Gospel homes. From the book’s description: “How might a house look for Christmas based on what each Gospel says about it?  In Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes, beautiful illustrations from architect Kevin Burns reimagine each of the four Gospels as a “house,” which the church visits at Christmas. In each section, Cynthia M. Campbell reflects on the distinctive perspective of the birth of Jesus or the incarnation offered by each Gospel.”

Books will be available in the office for $11.

Tuesday Morning: Who Stole My Bible? is the question we’ll be discussing on Tuesday mornings at 10 AM (EST) on Zoom. Join this group for a discussion of this new and thought-provoking book by Reverend Jennifer Butler, the CEO of Faith in Public Life. A reviewer described the book as “immensely readable. It’s not long…she first introduces a specific biblical text as part of our shared past, then inhabits the text attempting to read it as first readers would have heard it, then describes the contemporary situation in America today in which we read such a text, draws a lesson for us, and then shares how this text offers us in the present moment ways to resist tyranny.”

Books are available in the office for $16

Thursday Morning: Thursday mornings at 10 AM (EST) on Zoom we will continue our exploration of women in the Bible, reprising a series that Chip and Tami developed a few years ago: Five Women and a Baby. The study explores the roles played by the five women included in Matthew’s (1:2-6) genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.

The Women’s Circle is following the Presbyterian Women’s curriculum Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament on first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM (EST) on Zoom.

Men’s Breakfast: The men’s breakfast will be held (virtually, of course!) on Saturday December 19, at 8 am.

Coming in 2021

Help us “Bring the Bible to Life” with your artistic imagination.

Join us in the new year as we explore C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. Some of us will be reading these books for the first time while others will be revisiting old friends. During Lent we’ll be exploring pilgrimage and sabbath rest and renewal. We are working on developing a theologically based financial literacy series for the spring. Stay tuned!

All are welcome to our Faith4Life sessions. Let Tami ( or Connie ( know of your interest and we’ll make sure you receive the Zoom links.

~Connie Knapp for the Faith4Life Planning Team
