Adult Education – Gratitude for Thanksgiving and Incarnation for Advent


Please note that all our gatherings will be hybrid. You are welcome to join us either in the library, masked, or on Zoom.

During November we’ll be exploring the spiritual practice of gratitude through video, poetry, and discussion on Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM.

During Advent we hope you’ll join us on Sunday mornings, also in the library or on Zoom, as we read Adam Hamilton’s book Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas and watch him talk about it on video. Books will be available in the office.

The Women’s Circle meets at 10 AM on December 1 to continue discussing What My Grandmothers Taught Me.

Join us Tuesday mornings at 10 AM as we discuss The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine.

Join us on Thursday mornings from 10 AM until 11:30 for an Advent video series called Magnifying the Light-Birthing God’s Movement of Grace. Contact Tami Seidel or Connie Knapp for the link. There are five videos, each with a different theologian. Each session has a breath prayer that we might pray together. You can join as often or as little as your schedule allows!
