From the Deacons—New Opportunity—Be a Part of the Pastoral Response Team (PRT)

The Deacons are launching a team to respond to and help with Pastoral Care needs, beginning this summer and continuing into the future. Our goal is to maintain a ready listing of congregational volunteers to allow timely responses for short-term relief to congregation members in times of crisis, while easing the burden on our Pastors. We envision this team helping out when members need help with basics. Assistance with any of the following are possible:

  • Short-term grocery shopping
  • Organizing a delivery service
  • Providing references for professionals to perform tasks such as snow shoveling or other home maintenance needs
  • Providing comfort by phoning or being with family members while they work through their ordeal

This is a great way for those congregational members who indicated on the CAT Scan survey that they would like to be more involved in church life or anyone who is unable to be involved long-term to try a short-term commitment while “spreading a little kindness.” Ideally, we’ll have enough team members so that volunteers only have one task at a time.

We will be contacting various members to create a roster of volunteers. You will have a choice of the areas you are willing to help. Please consider saying yes if you are contacted. If you feel moved to be ready to help –if ever the need arises, please contact Heidi Haring: or Christine Lazarus:
