Deacons’ News September 2018

Summer is on the wane (where did the summer go?) — and autumn will be here on September 22, always sooner than we expect it. Yet through all the seasons–hunger, loneliness, poverty and despair have no start or stop dates. (Oh, for that to be true.) No matter what time of year, our Deacons are here to help ease a burden, provide a bag of groceries, or share a supportive word. And by:

Helping children get ready for school

During two Food Pantries in August, our Deacons distributed 197 age-appropriate school kits. Thank you to all who generously donated and dispensed the supplies!

Hosting a successful Blood Drive again this year

46 donors registered their health history
8 donors were deferred
44 units (including POWER RED donations) were collected 132 lives potentially impacted

Thanks to all the donors and to all involved in this life-saving mission.

Helping in our twice-monthly Food Pantry

Our next pantry is set for September 22. Helpers are always welcome! Please contact Katharine Frase if you can volunteer. Note that in July, 189 families were served and in August, 199.

Supporting our Transportation Ministry 

To quote, Frederick Buechner, writer and ordained Presbyterian minister, “The world says, the more you take, the more you have. Christ says, the more you give, the more you are.”

Supporting our Transportation Ministry

Our Transportation Ministry provides rides to and from church worship and church activities. I recently had a conversation with Deacon Marty Scatola, who heads our Transportation Ministry.

What is the Transportation Ministry?

Sometimes people can’t make it to church due to vehicle problems or health reasons. Our transportation ministry helps in getting our members back and forth from church to home for worship and other church activities.

How do I go about getting a ride?

If you are in need of this service, please contact Marty Scatola, and allow as much lead time as possible for him to arrange the ride. You can also contact the church office to request to be put on the list.

Could you be a driver?

We are always looking for people who are willing to help. Please contact Marty to submit your name, contact information and when you are available. If you were on a previous list and want to continue to be available, please resubmit your information.

~ Patrick Burns, for the Deacons

And, thank you, as always, for your generous gifts to our Deacons’ Fund.
~Judy Chessa, Moderator

