From your Commissioned Ruling Elder, the CRE Corner

You might have noticed my name at the back of the bulletin: “Connie Knapp, CRE for Educational Ministries.” Last month I explained the Presbytery’s CRE program. This month I’ll talk about what I hope to do at Yorktown. I am commissioned for ten volunteer hours a week to “To provide pastoral leadership and support to the educational ministries at FPCY with a focus on adult education opportunities and continued development of intergenerational approach to faith formation.”

I have been doing some of this already. Many of you know me as a member of the planning team for our Faith4Life classes and as one of the discussion facilitators. I currently facilitate the Thursday and Sunday morning classes and often join the Tuesday morning class that Tami leads.

I also work with the CrossGen Team and plan and facilitate our CrossGen events. I will be preaching and leading worship four to six times a year. My commissioning provides the opportunity for us to expand both our intergenerational ministry and our support for second-half-of-life issues and concerns. I’ve joined the Presbyterian Older Adults Ministry Network (POAMN ) to take advantage of resources there.

Do you have some ideas about intergenerational activities? Some ideas for second- half-of-life programming? I’d love to hear them. I’ll use this column to share what I’m learning and doing–feel free to stop me during church, or to email me at with any questions, suggestions or just to chat!
