New in the Library — Books Related to Aging

Several new books about aspects of aging are now available in the church library. The Gift of Years; Growing Older Gracefully, by Joan Chittister (155.67 C) celebrates the blessings of growing older, rather than the many ways youth is glorified and old age degraded. It is geared to all aspects of aging, its purposes and concerns, struggles and surprises, and potential for joy.

Author Parker J. Palmer reflects on his own aging in On the Brink of Everything; Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old (155.67 P). Each chapter covers a different aspect, such as things the author is learning as he reaches the age of eighty, reflections on spiritual life, and the importance of staying engaged with the world as long as possible.

Alice Fryling’s book Aging Faithfully; the holy invitation of growing older (155.67 F). In the introduction the author notes “Looking back, I can see who I was as a little girl. I recognize myself as a wife, a mother, and a professional person. But I do not know who I am as an older person. This is a little scary. I like knowing who I am.” As an older person myself, I can sympathize with this feeling, and I look forward to reading more of this book (but I’ll put it out for general circulation first…)

Note that these books and others relating to aging are on display on the library’s book cart.

Carol Jensen
Church Librarian
