New in the Library: Almost Everything by Anne Lamott

Just in time for the holiday season comes another best-seller by Anne Lamott. This one could not be more appropriate for right now: Almost Everything; Notes on Hope (248 L).

The very first sentence of the Prelude says it all: “I am stockpiling antibiotics for the apocalypse, even as I await the blossoming of paperwhites on the windowsill of the kitchen.” In this profound and funny book, she urges the reader to rediscover the buried nuggets of hope and wisdom that can lead to hope and make life sweeter. Her chapters range from a few pages to one sentence (“Unplugged – Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”)

In case you’re not already a fan of Anne Lamott, here are the other books of hers that are in the church library, all in the call number 248 L.

  • Help, Thanks, Wow
  • Plan B; Further Thoughts on Faith
  • Small Victories; spotting Improbable Moments of Grace.
  • Stitches; a Handbook on Meaning, Hope, and Repair
  • Traveling Mercies; Some Thoughts on Faith


~Carol Jensen, Church Librarian
