New in the Church Library

The library has several new children’s books which are exceptionally beautiful in layout and relevant in message. They are some of the most beautifully illustrated children’s books I’ve ever seen! They are now on the New Book Shelf.

  • Winter’s Gifts; an indigenous celebration of nature, by Kaitlin B. Curtice. It tells the story of Dani, a child who represents not only our love of human nature but also our special status as God’s beloved children.
  • Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’ is about a girl who wants to be beautiful and bright. A magical journey in the night sky opens her to see her unique beauty.
  • God’s Holy Darkness, by Sharei Green and Beckah Selnick, illustrates that God’s love can come from darkness as well as light. For example, creation began in the dark, the Christmas angels visited the shepherds in the dark. The book beautifully illustrates other examples of God working through darkness.
  • Psalms of Wonder; Poems from the Book of Songs. Author Carey Wallace has rewritten twenty-nine Psalms as poems, to illustrate that they were originally sung and in Hebrew. As with the other books in this collection, it is beautifully illustrated.
  • If you came to one of the CrossGen dinners last fall you experienced Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena. As with the others listed above, it celebrates family relationships – in this case a boy and his grandmother experiencing their bustling city, the music of everyday life, and the magic of their neighbors.


~Carol Jensen, Church Librarian
