Coming up: Our Women’s Retreat

Adult Ed is sponsoring a women’s retreat at Holmes to begin with dinner on Friday, March 31 and end after lunch on Saturday, April 1. Our facilitator will be Leslie Mott, a teaching elder, a yoga teacher...

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Lenten Study – Keeping the Sabbath

Our Sunday morning Lenten study will focus on Sabbath Keeping, complementing the worship theme for Lent. We’ll be reading 24/6, by Matthew Sleeth. Books will be available every Sunday for a $10 donation....

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Adult Education in January 2017

In January and February our Sunday morning focus will be on Christianity’s Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why, a book and DVD by Adam Hamilton. Join us as you are able as we study what...

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In Depth Bible Study Starting Soon

In-depth bible study groups will be starting again soon. Participants from last year and the year before wrote of what it meant to them. The Adult Education Planning Team has decided that this year we...

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Sunday Morning Adult Ed: Fruitful Living

This fall, we will focus on the book Five Practices of Fruitful Living by Robert Schnase. Join us as we discuss and put into practice these five keys to living and growing in faith. Books are available...

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