Thursday morning’s Adult Ed group will begin a four week study of Before Amen, by Max Lucado, on March 15.
Late Winter Adult Education
Love Is… Did you notice that Valentine’s Day fell on Ash Wednesday? This got the Adult Ed planning team thinking about love. And so our theme for Lent is “Love is…” Love is what?...
Sunday Morning Adult Education – The Lectionary 101
Lectionary? What’s a lectionary, you might ask? Please join us on Sunday mornings starting in January to find out. We’ll learn what a lectionary is, why you might need one, and how it relates to our...
Thursday Morning Adult Ed: “Half Truths”
Thursdays at 10am at church Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say by Adam Hamilton They are simple...
Holiday Book Suggestions from your Adult Ed Team
Looking for the “perfect” holiday gift? The Adult Planning team suggests choosing one of the following books. If you are reading this digitally, you can click on the title to purchase from Amazon....
Adult Ed This Christmas Season
Bah Humbug! You thought we might say “Merry Christmas?” No, not this Advent. Join us beginning Sunday, December 3, and continuing on December 10 and 17, ending on Sunday, January 7, 2018. We’ll...
Advent Study – The Redemption of Scrooge
Our Advent study will be fun (really!). Join us on Sundays beginning December 3 and ending on December 17 for a study on The Redemption of Scrooge. We’ll be using a book by Matt Rawle, who has...
Peace and Justice Sunday – November 12
Sunday, November 12, is Peace and Justice Sunday. Rick Ufford-Chase will be joining us. Rick and his wife Kitty Ufford-Chase are the co-directors of the Stony Point Center. Rick is the author of Faithful...
Adult Education “The Reformations and Faithful Resistance”
How are those two topics related? They are topics we are exploring in Adult Ed this fall. Our Sunday morning study continues until Sunday, November 5. We are looking at the reformation as we approach...
Grow Your Faith This Fall
Why should the kids have all the fun, and get to go back to school? Have you ever wanted to engage in stimulating conversation, faithful fellowship and serious Bible study with a group of like-minded...