Deacons March 2013

The Deacons have returned from a very rewarding retreat at Holmes Presbyterian Conference Center, where Chip, assisted by Tami and including a workshop by Sarah Henkel, Cross-Cultural Coordinator at Hudson Valley Presbytery, asked us to look closely at our various ministries to determine which are most effective and where we want to concentrate our energies in the next year. We were inspired by the DeWitt Jones film on “Everyday Creativity” as well as the exercises on communication guidelines and speaking using a “mutual invitation” model, to look at which ministries are goal-driven and which are relationship-driven. Our discussions brought out the importance of the Food Pantry as a service to the community, and the hope that it might become more relationship-driven.

In order to accomplish this, we are asking if there are members of the congregation who are fluent in Spanish who would be willing to spend some Saturday mornings helping us to develop better communication with the families served by the Food Pantry.  This would be a huge help in moving that ministry from a goal-driven effort to one that is more relationship-driven.

We also invite members of the congregation who are interested in visiting the homebound to join with Deacons in this outreach to congregants who cannot always get to services at the church.  Please call or email:  Christine Lazarus – (914-762-9427) or Heidi Haring – (914-737-9047).  It will bring happiness to everyone..

Another area where the Deacons need your help is in Grant Writing.  Budgets are being cut, grants are disappearing, and we cannot provide the kind of food through the Pantry that promotes healthy living without this aid.  If you work in a business that supports grants aimed at relieving hunger in the community, please inquire about the process and then get in touch with a Deacon.  If you have written or applied for grants, or are interested in the process, we need your help!  We are a community that needs a community effort to promote food justice in our midst.

The Food Pantry item of the month is cereal…always expensive and in short supply.  If you can buy an extra box the next time you are shopping, it will be much appreciated.  If you have gently-used stuffed animals or children’s’ books, they will also bring huge smiles to the children who visit on Saturday mornings.

I know that there are a lot of “wishes” in this column, and this lets you know that WE ALL are the Church.  Isn’t it wonderful!

Walk with God’s love during the dark times, anticipating the joy to come.

Angelyn Forbes-Freeze for the Deacons

