New In the Library, February 2013

Attention parents and church school teachers – the children’s book collection is now cleaned up and organized!  The books are sorted into five categories:  Family and Behavior, Bible, Jesus and Christmas, God and Worship, and Other.  Colored tape and shelf labels identify the categories, and there is a printed list nearby.  With advice from Tami I purchased a number of new titles, some of which I will highlight in future Disciple issues.

In the adult collection, DVDs and videotapes are now on the shelves alongside books on similar topics.  Check the online catalog in the library section of the church web page for a complete list.

And a reminder:  to borrow any items from the library, just sign and date the card in the pocket of the item and leave the card in the box above the “New books” shelf.

Come have a look!

Carol Jensen, Church Librarian

