Operations Update for February

We have accomplished a lot in the past few months. The office has been completely rehab’ed, painting has continued in the Gathering Space and a plan has been laid out for painting Room #1 and Room #17 (the two walls that are plain with no decorations). We also plan to touch-up many areas including the metal fire doors, the outside door near the office and several wall areas. A protection circuit has been added to our large three phase circulator motor. This will help to prevent burning up the motor if we have an electrical outage as we experienced this past Fall. This motor is very expensive; hence, our interest in the protection circuit.

Our focus is now turning to the annual  Spring Clean-up day on May 5th. While it is still early, Spring Clean-up is a traditional time in the life of our Church where we try to reset the entire physical facilities to a totally clean and sparkling appearance. There will be much work to do outside and inside. Inside the buildings, we will  be focusing on the windows throughout, a really good wipe down of all the woodwork & pews, a good cleaning of the kitchen, reorganizing  all of the kitchen cabinets and repair of our big round tables. Outside, we will have the normal raking of gravel from the berms, cleaning the cemetery, weeding all of the  flower beds and thinning out the iris bed and spreading new mulch.

Our Church is undertaking two big projects on the day of  May 5th. One will be the Home Front Project and the other will be our Spring Clean-up. We are encouraging everyone to plan for this day of work, fun and camaraderie. Deanna Collins will be handling sign-ups for the Spring Clean-up, and the Congregation has already been asked to do an on-line survey of skills for the Home Front Project. In sponsoring these two projects, we are counting on a really big turnout on May 5th. If you can participate in either of these projects or both, please let Deanna Collins know your desires relative to specific work areas. Thanks to all for considering these projects on May 5 th! Dick Seymour for the Operations Commission
