Christmas Joy: The Gift of Peace in a Season of Upheaval

A single phone call nearly 20 years ago turned Jenni Whitford’s whole world upside down.

Jenni, who was then serving as a Christian educator at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Michigan, came home from a session meeting and got a call that her husband, Ken, had collapsed. She was asked to come to the hospital right away. When they arrived at the hospital, Jenni and her two children, ages 9 and 12, learned that their dear husband and father had died of an aortic aneurysm.

When someone dies, so much starts happening all at once. Jenni learned that their medical insurance, which was carried by her husband, was only paid through the end of the month. Her children would need immunizations and healthy child check-ups, and COBRA was incredibly expensive.

Her pastor was immediately by her side to offer both comfort and counsel. The Rev. Jim Hegedus (HEY-geh-duz), an honorably retired member of Lake Michigan Presbytery and the former pastor at First Presbyterian, recommended to Jenni that the Christmas Joy Offering was there to help church workers in times of need.

Facing such a huge financial challenge at a time of “chaos, upheaval and huge emotions,” Jenni found the support she needed through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. In partnership with Lake Michigan Presbytery, they granted her immediate, emergency assistance by covering the family’s medical premiums for two years.

The generous support that she received was made possible, in part, by the annual Christmas Joy Offering, which distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.

Since November 2022, Jenni has served as the director for Congregational Faith Formation at First Presbyterian Church in Granville, Ohio. And although she said that “life is pretty much normal” for her now, having the peace of mind that the Offering provided her then was lifesaving.

“It’s that great cloud of witnesses that I think about,” she says today. “People who I don’t know or never will meet who gave generously to the Christmas Joy Offering to help support people like me.”

Jenni has shared her story several times at both congregations where she has worked and at a meeting at Scioto Valley Presbytery. She wants people to know the help is there for them like it was for her.

By sharing her story, Jenni is helping prepare for way for other church workers who may need help in their own time of crisis. And we can help, too. Please give what you can to our Christmas Joy Offering — for as Jenni knows, and we all know, when we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.

Let us pray~

God, we know you are present with us in life’s most tender moments. We pray today for all church workers facing immense challenge and struggle. May our gifts, combined with so many others, help many know the peace only you provide. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Gifts to the Christmas Joy Special Offering of the PCUSA will be received throughout December. By giving to the Christmas Joy Offering, you will be providing assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and developing our future leaders at Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. Please consider giving to the Christmas Joy Offering in addition to your regular giving. Give online or by check — mark gifts “JOY”.