Register for Sunday School

This year we are excited to continue on the journey of faith with your children and youth, growing and learning together what it means to love one another, ourselves, the earth, and God.

You can have your child join at any time.

Register your children/youth

The Sunday School staff would like to encourage all children and youth to attend Sunday School classes in person.

After two years of all online or hybrid Sunday School, it is clear that the online students are not getting the same level of education and relational engagement as our students who attend in person. While we are grateful for the technology that allows for this flexibility, attending in person is the best way to get the most out of class and connect with other students and teachers.

Online access to Sunday School can be arranged for families under certain circumstances. Please communicate with your child’s teachers so that they can plan accordingly.

In light of the recent COVID Guidelines issued by the CDC and the availability of vaccines for ages 6 months and older, Sunday School this fall at FPCY will be “masks optional, welcome, and respected.“

However, we would recommend that masks be worn if there has been a recent COVID exposure in your household, and we encourage both children and adults to stay up to date with vaccines and other preventive measures.

As always, please don’t come to church if you or your child is not feeling well. Arrangements can be made for online participation through advance communication with the teachers.

We will continue to pay close attention to medical professional and evolving science, as well as the New York State Department of Education’s health and safety guidelines. This policy is subject to change should the necessity arise.
