New in the Library – Learning to Pray

Although a 380p. book entitled “Learning to Pray; a Guide for Everyone” (call number 242 J) might seem daunting, Father James Martin writes that it “is written for everyone, from the doubter to the devout, from the seeker to the believer; also people who have never prayed, who would like to pray but are worried they’ll do it the wrong way, who haven’t found prayer as satisfying as they had hoped, or who find it unfamiliar and frightening.”

Any of those sound familiar? I remember listening to the author years ago on Sunday morning radio. If anyone can make prayer approachable, he can! Who else can combine comedy like Monty Python with histories of famous spiritual leaders? The book is full of his own experiences of prayer, along with useful suggestions and an extensive bibliography.

~Carol Jensen, Church Librarian
